Manufacturer of World Class Machined and Plated Products

Rotary Transfer Machining

rotary transfer machine

Greystone supports our customer's high volume machining needs through the use of Hydromat rotary transfer machining technology. With over 30 Hydromat rotary transfer machines utilizing both CNC and conventional capabilities, Greystone is one of the largest rotary transfer machining shops in the world. Our in-house engineering capability and comprehensive knowledge of Hydromat equipment allows Greystone to tailor machine setups to meet customer demand in a timely manner. Rotary transfer machining capabilities include drilling, cross drilling, boring, turning, milling, external and internal recessing, threading, tapping and broaching, allowing Greystone to produce very complex components in a matter of seconds. Our machines range from 10-16 stations and can accommodate parts up to 45mm in diameter.

Contact us to learn more about rotary transfer machining